Tuesday, 30 September 2014

next moment poetry-34- Prajnaanam Brahma-34- dr.k.g.balakrishnan-30-9-2014

next moment poetry-34
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Poet of India
Prajnaanam Brahma-30-9-2014
Knowledge is Infinite;
As the Space In-Out;
Spelled the Rishi;
In words definite.

Eternal It is;
The Fragrance;
The conjuring Note;
The twinkling Hue;
The blossoming Love.

The breezing Flow;
The soothing Glow;
The enchanting Know;
The unknowing Know.
next moment poetry-34
Prajnaanam Brahma- 30-9-2014

Monday, 29 September 2014

next moment poetry- 33- The Riddle- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 30-9-2014

next moment poetry- 33
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 30-9-2014
The Riddle
The stunning Riddle;
The moment next;
Know not the result;
You do simply fiddle!

Me the helpless;
Seeking alas!
In darkness!

The Rishi does proclaim:
"The Light the answer".
next moment poetry-33
The Riddle
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 30-9-2014

Sunday, 28 September 2014

next moment poetry- 32- What the Next?- dr.k.g.balakrishnan-29-9-2014

Next moment Poetry-32
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 29-9-2014
What the Next?
The eternal interrogation;
From the moment
Of Creation-
The conjuring Secret-
Immune for ever
To cosmic investigation.

Still it is sure; the next will dawn;
To be the Is on an' on;
Will it flower?
Fruiting the treasure?
Yes or no-
The future would answer.

What the next?
The perpetual Query.
next moment poetry -32-29-9-2014


Friday, 26 September 2014

next moment poetry- 31-Anbition- dr.k.g.balakrishnan-27-9-2014

next moment poetry- 31
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Poet of India
Ambition- 27-9-2014
Ambition is
Always a happiness;
The thrill it is;
The hopefulness.

It is nice to be
Per wink;
Per breath.

It purifies the mind;
Ignites the thought;
Paves the path;
Strengthening the step;
Does beautify the dream.

Life is nil, barren
Without ambition;
And believers address it-
Almighty God-
Non believers Fate.

Thus ambition-
The fulcrum of life.
next moment poetry-31

Thursday, 25 September 2014

next moment poetry-30-Volatile Present Tense -dr.k.g.balakrishnan-26-9-2014

next moment poetry- 30
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 26-9-2014
Volatile Present Tense

Little bit I have read;
Still little I have thread;
I feel everything red;
And always I am sad.

A halo of nothingness;
In my curious brain;
I conceive the littleness;
Of the view in vain.

Pretty narrow the path;
Unending the lengthening;
The Length;
The certain-uncertain;
The waving Wave-length.

I know at this Instance;
My dense Ignorance;
Don't know the next;
And hence
Knowing the non-existing;
The volatile present tense.
next moment poetry-30
Volatile Present Tense


Next Moment Poetry-29- In-out continuum- dr.k.g.balakrishnan-26-9-2014

next moment poetry-26-9-2014
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Poet of India
In-Out Continuum
How can I measure;
The In-out continuum;
The eternal Treasure;
Who am I to measure;
The Sure-Unsure!

My feeble Will-
The humble Nil;
The zeroing Null;
The ego;
Attempting in vain!

From the Prabhavam;
To the Pralayam-
The Eternal Flow;
The repeat the Cycle;
The present the Glow;
This Moment- Ikshana.

The In does conceive
The Out-
Not the reverse;
The Truth;
Is the In-Out;
The Continuum.
next moment poetry-29
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Poet of India

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Nascent Poetry: next moment poetry-28- At this Moment of Triumph- ...

Nascent Poetry: next moment poetry-28- At this Moment of Triumph- ...: next moment poetry- 28 dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian Poet ======================== At This Moment of Triumph- 25-9-2014 =================...

next moment poetry-28- At this Moment of Triumph- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 25-9-2014

next moment poetry- 28
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian Poet
At This Moment of Triumph- 25-9-2014
Mangalyaan of BHARATH;
Is orbiting the Mars;
At this Moment of Triumph;
 Let us salute;
And Bhaskara(1&2);
The great scientists-
The Rishi- the Acharya; 
Of Ancient Bharath.

Me the humble poet;
Painting the Multiverse;
In the Hrudayaakaasa;
Enjoying the conjuring;
The ecstatic Tranquil;
The celestial show;
The Bliss;
The Thureeya;
The feel of being;
The Nothingness.  

The ONE;
The Non-Dual.
next moment poetry-28
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Indian Poet
- Topmost poet (All Time)of
noted poetry portal www.poetry.com

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Next moment poetry-27- India! India!- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 24-9 2014

next moment poetry- 27- 24-9-2014
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian Poet
India! India!
Mother India!
Mangal ho gaya hai!
Has created History!

Mom, how can we express
The pride- ecstatic happiness-
Of the Glorious
Golden Moment this!

Wet are our eyes;
We are-
At this valor; 
Let the Tricolor
Proclaim our
Brilliant glare
In the infinite
For ever!
next moment poetry- 27


Monday, 22 September 2014

next moment poetry-26- Rotating- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 23-9-2014

next moment poetry-26
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian poet
Rotating- 23-9-2014
This beat- a pulse- a cycle;
This thought too a miracle;
But the wheel of a vehicle;
Moving to the next- single.

You push from rear; the gear
Always neutral; o my dear-
I can be a passive rider sheer;
You the active eternal Sure.

Rotating the Wheel;
Dawn-dusk-dawn reel;
Me in dreaming feel;
The set conjuring role.
next moment poetry-26-23-9-2014
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian poet


Saturday, 20 September 2014

next moment poetry-25- Laziness- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 21-9-2014

next moment poetry- 25
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian poet
Sunday morning Today;
Got up late; still am not awake;
All even God is at rest;
On this universal Holy-day.

Lazy body,mind and spirit;
The will does perambulate
The skies,heaven and earth;
Knowing well that is not worth.

Sure it is a happiness;
To enjoy the weightless
next moment poetry-25
Laziness- 21-9-2014
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Indian Poet

next moment poetry-24- To my Love- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 21-9-2014

next moment poetry-24
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian poet
To My Love- 21-9-2014
Where ever  you are-
You transmit the core;
A ray of hope- the Spore;
To germinate pleasure.

I can hear you in singing breeze;
I can see you in infinite skylines;
I can feel you in whispering rains;
I can muse you in fragrant Cadence.

The conjuring seven-hued Pure;
Always with  me in silence Dear;
Not visible,audible yet crystal Clear;
Rishi does paint you the null-nil Mere.

You are the Absolute Truth and Lie;
You are the Ultimate Breath and Sigh;
You are  the Star haunting twinkling High;
You are the tranquillizing sweet cute Why.
next moment poetry- 24- dr.k.g.balakrishnan


next moment poetry- 23- Always- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 20-9-2014

next moment poetry-22
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian poet
Always- 20-9-2014
As the waving
My dream too
The persistent.

The ceaseless flow;
The torching glow;
The permanent-
The Morrow.

The omnipresent;
Omnipotent Show;
The Always-
The Novel-
The New;
The Ring;
The Time!
next moment poetry-22

Friday, 19 September 2014

next moment poetry- 22- Is happening the Is- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 20-9-2014

next moment poetry-22
Is happening the Is
Is is the Present;
The Instant;
The Transient-
This twinkling
Winking Moment.

It is happening;
By itself;
- Not designed
By some one else.

Everything is there;
-The Truth;
The Light;
It would dawn;
At the right
Accurate morn.

Outpouring of my mind;
Like the soothing South wind;
Waves like cool morning sunlight;
Or makes me crimson- as twilight.

At times boiling as Summer noon-light;
Burning,charring as the furnace deep-hot.

It does evolve like my heart-beat;
To echo into the promising Infinite.
next moment poetry-22 20-9-2014
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet

Thursday, 18 September 2014

next moment poetry-21- Incarnation- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 19- 9-2014

next moment poetry-21
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Indian Poet
Incarnation- 19-9-2014
I do incarnate;
From Myself;
To be the Self;
Per moment-beat;
Per quantum-breath.

Me the Action-Inaction;
Too the Reaction;
And all;
-The intuiting
The Full-Nil-continuum.

A Drop, a Ray;
A Note, a Say;
A Feel;
Are my Hue;
And always New.

The Rishi enjoyed;
The Fragrance cute;
Chanted the note mute;
And he preserved;
The golden Light.

Non-Dual It is;
The glittering Is;
The eternal Peace;
The conjuring Presence!
next moment poetry-21

next moment poetry-20- Bhumi- The Earth- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 18-9-2014

next moment poetry- 20
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian Poet
Bhumi -The Earth- 18-9-2014
 Spinning in its axis;
Bhumi- the Earth;
Designing the Time-
The unending Game.

Revolving around
Surya- The Sun-
Bhumi- The Earth;
Painting the season.

Moment, minute;
Year and all;
Mother Earth,
We salute!

What a plethora;
Your treasure!
The wonder;
Your fondling;
The soothing

You the loving
Mom all-time;
You the giving
Hand in time.

From you we evolve;
To  you we dissolve;
You the Savior ;
You the Rower!

Each and every
Hue is yours;
Each and every
Breath is yours.

Singing the stream;
Roaring the sea;
It is raining;
Also thundering.

The mountain
The valley

The red rose
The rainbow

You make
You the lullaby
And the caressing;
The Happiness!
next moment poetry-20
Bhumi- dr.k.g.balakrishnan

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

next moment poetry- 19- Surya- The Sun- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- 18-9-2014

next moment poetry-19
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet
Surya -The Sun-19-9-2014
The perpetual source;
Of energy- Karma;
The present- the Power;
You the Inducer
For ever.

The Clever-
On the Diamond Chair-
Make all others stroll
To your will and pleasure;
To rotate themselves
Infinite- to be the sphere.

Me the dunce pronounce:
"Sun-rise", "sun-set"- nonsense!
Who does dawn?
Who does dusk?
 -You the Ultimate
Formless Sense!

Transcended the Rishi-
Proclaimed the Truth;
-You the impartial Witness;
Also the inducing Quietness!

Rotate and rotate we all;
Round and round;
As though you call;
Like a play-doll;
O the Subject grand!
Me the object;
-The dependent.

Still we all tell;
And talk about well;
Singing the poet;
Ticking the moment;
To the definite-
next moment poetry-19
Surya-the Sun
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Kandangath-18-9-2014


next moment poetry- 18- The Treasure-dr.k.g.balakrishnan-17-9-2014

next moment poetry-18
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian Poet
The Treasure- 17-9-2014
We Indians
Have a Treasure;
That one can
Ne'er measure;
The conjuring
The eternal
Full-Nil Sure.

Our noble
The Knowledge;
That the Rishi
And versified;

They preserved it
For generations;
-The nectar
The Ambrosia-
We sip it;
We enjoy it;
We practice it;
The world  addresses
It-the Truth-
The Breeze
Is chanting It
Per breath;
Per Moment fresh.
The Treasure-
next moment poetry-18
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian Poet

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

next moment poetry-17- The Blue Lotus- dr.k.g.balakrishnan-17-9-2014

next moment poetry-17
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian poet
The Blue Lotus
The Space; vast and wide;
Deep indefinite as shade;
The intuit in my In is made;
Of a billion hued cute suede.

The Blue Lotus-
The thousand petaled;
Pronounced the Rishi thus-
The feel- the celestial Bliss!
The fondling enchanting Kiss!

The fondant as a perfect Rhyme;
As a Note of accurate cadence fine;
The noble Wink; the stringing Twine-
O sweet Fragrant Music Thine!
Next Moment Poetry-17-17-9-2014
-dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet



Sunday, 14 September 2014

Next Moment Poetry-16- The Circle - dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Indian Poet- 15-9-2014

Next Moment Poetry-16
The Circle
Me seeking
The Source;
The Course;
The Close.

At the End;
-Like my Breath-
At the Beginning;
-The blossoming Dawn!

The Clock-
It is Timing!
Next Moment Poetry-16
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian Poet


Friday, 12 September 2014

Next Moment Poetry-15- TheTick- dr.k.g.balakrishnan 13-9-2014

Next Moment Poetry
The Tick
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian poet
The Tick
Just a tick;
A beat;
A pinch;
A speck;
A peep;
A touch a pulse a breath;
A look
The One;
The Moment this;
Is as long as that;
Too as short;
Still the glorious Full;
The calm singling Nil;
The Full-Null.

This clock;
My heart;
The sun,earth,moon
And the Whole;
The quantum and the All;
Are proclaiming the Truth;
Of this repeat;
The tranquillizing-
Amazing Rotation-
The Tick.
Next Moment Poetry-15
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -INDIAN POET

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Next Moment Poetry-14- The Fourteenth Night- dr.k.g.balakrishnan11-9-2014

Next Moment Poetry
The Fourteenth Night
dr.kg.balakrishnan - Indian Poet
This Moment of Fullness;
The Tirelessness;
See the sky clear and pure;
The eternal bluish Sure;
The tranquil Entire;
The certain-uncertain Squire.

I enjoy the Watchfulness;
The quantum Thoughtfulness;
The twinkling Dearness;
The peak Carefulness.

How sweet the caressing;
Of this Fourteenth Night;
The music blooming
To the conjuring Height;
You witnessing the Feat;
Me the traveler transient.
Next Moment Poetry-14
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Next Moment Poetry-13
Thus Spake the GURU
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet
(160th Incarnation-day of Guru
on 8-9-2014-this year- on Chathayam
of Chingam,every Malayalam Year)    
God is the One 
That does hear
Without the ear;
That does see
With out the eye;
Does nose
With out nose; 
Does taste
With out the instrument;
And the Concept 
That is;
Always the Is;
Not the be or the was.
Thus It is
The Omnipresence.

The Feel;
Only the feel
The Formless;
The Full-Nil.

Enjoy It by Devotion;
Transcend It by Notion;
For It is the Self  itself;
Thus muse the sweet;
The glorious Non-Dual. 
The Next Moment Poetry-13
dr.k.g.balakrishnan INDIAN POET
-Author of "GURUPARVAM- ERA of GURU"

Friday, 5 September 2014

Next Moment Poetry-12- Beyond- 5-9-2014 dr.k.g.balakrishnan

next moment poetry-12
You the beyond Infinite;
The Present;
Always the Twinkling;
The Moment.

The New,the Current;
The Up-to-date Nascent;
The Fresh;
The tranquil Permanent.

My Transcend; not Transient;
The Transcendent;
The Independent.

The Intuit; the Thought;
The inducing
Beyond 5-9-2014
Next Moment Poetry-12
Indian Poet

Next Moment Poetry- 11-Timing- dr.k.g.balakrishnan-5-9-2014

Next moment poetry
dr.k.g.balakrishnan 5-9-2014
I wonder, how accurate;
The Time- You punctuate;
The Rhyme-You auscultate;
The infinite Innominate.

I love the Indefinite;
What is really definite?
What is my humble pursuit?
You, You the Absolute!

I know, am the eternal blind;
You, You Light the Kind;
The Space, Thy naughty mind;
The Time timing the Consultant.
Timing- Next Moment Poetry-11
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Indian Poet