Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha-32- The Sky- 1-4-2015- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Amazon Author- Writing Poetic Science for Global Audience

Bharatheeyakavitha-32- 1-4-2015-
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author
Introducing Poetic Science to Global
The Sky

Me the Singing Bird;
Winging in the Infinite;
The Definite Indefinite;
The soothing Bluish Word.

There the Horizon;
My pinning Ambition;
The haunting Destination;
The furthering Notion;
The vibrating Rotation.

My feel tranquilizing;
The Moment Nascent;
Its twinkling;
The televising.

Proclaiming the Rishi:
"It's the Sky- the Space-
The Akaasa-
The Sound- the Shabda-
The Eternal Silence-
The Mauna-
The Poorna- the Full."

"Its expansion- the Prasava-
The Birth; the Bang; the Creation;
Its contraction- the Pratiprasava-
The Death; the Crunch; the Anti-Creation;
Thus the Time;
The Great Rotation-
The Kalachakra."

From the Big Bang;
The Multiverse!
Bharatheeyakavitha-32- The Sky-1-4-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author
introducing Poetic Science to the
Global Audience.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha- 31- 31-3-2015 - The Wink- dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author

Bharatheeyakavitha- 31- 31-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Amazon Author
Writing for Global Audience
The Wink

Me asking myself:
"What does It mean?"
The Eternal Query.
They say:
"Quantum It's!"
Moving, moving-
An' waving;
To the Infinite;
The conjuring Dream.
The perpetual Stream;
The uninterrupted Flow;
The Multiverse.
The Concept;
The Conundrum.

Proclaiming the Rishi:
"It is The Wink;
Of yours!;
Rather you!
You alone!"
"Nothing else  is there;
The kaleidoscopic Twinkle;
The Wink;
To the Knowing;
Unknowing furthering
Horizon tranquilizing!"
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Amazon Author

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha- 30- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- The Flower-26-3-2015

Bharatheeyakavitha- 30-26-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Amazon Author
The Flower

O embodiment of Fragrance;
Am the Breeze does salute;
For your eternal love;
Also for the  celestial pat.

O my sweet, forget;
This Summer heat;
Remember -
The cool cool Winter;
The gentle soothing Spring;
The calm ever-haunting Sky.

Continue your dance;
The heavenly muse;
The seven-hued wink!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

bharatheeyakavitha-29- 26-3-2015- The Rishi- dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author

Bharatheeyakavitha-29- 26-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan TOPMOST POET
ALL TIME Poetry.com
The Rishi

"Rishi" the Great Concept;
Of Bharatham;
From Time Immemorial;
From the "Kritha Yuga".
In Thretha and Dwapara

The "Kavi "(Poet);
The Scientist too
The Rishi of Bharathavarsham.

In his "Indian Philosophy "
Ascertained this.

"The Waves of the Ganga"
Singing the Saga.

Maharshi Badarayana;
Maharshi Sri Sankara 
And Maharshi Sri Narayana
Proving the Thrill;
Filling the Will.

The Modern Science
Echoing His Voice.
Me the Poet too.

"The Hues of the Himalaya"
Reflecting the Same Light.

I know
The Fact;
I can speak nothing more!

Still I speak;
Still sing;
Still I wing
To the Tranquility! 

Still I seek;
"The Why";
"Answering the Why "
In vain.
Bharatheeyakavitha -29 -26-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author,
Writing on International Platform
for Global Audience. Introducing
the Great Ancient Land and her
Culture, Knowledge, eternal
literary and artistic Heritage.


Bharatheeyakavitha- 28- 26-3-2015-dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author TheCelestial Breath

Bharatheeyakavitha- 28- 26-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author
The Celestial Breath
The Mystic Fire- Agni-;
Is blazing;
Since the Big Bang;
The Inspiration;
The Creation;
The Expansion to the Infinite.

Inhaling the Air-
Absorbing Oxygen;
Expiring CO2; the Exchange Great;
The Expiration.

Defining the Scientist
The breathing thus;
The inspire-expire Continuum-
The Action-Reaction-
Equal and Opposite;
The First Law;
Of the Conundrum.

The Plant does the same;
Saying the Botanist;
In the opposite direction;
Setting the Reaction;
As Action;
For the blossoming Creation.

The wheeling Time;
The Action-Reaction;
Smiles the Rishi;
Proclaims the Scientist;
Sings the Poet;
The tranquilizing Ecstasy;
The Celestial Breath;
The Knowing;
Amazon Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
writing for the Global Audience.


bharatheeyakavitha-27-25-3-2015- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- The Great Stream

Bharatheeyakavitha- 27- 25-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian poet
Amazon Author
The Great Stream

In a Celestial Dream I am;
This Moment cradling;
Caressing my Hope;
To be the Nightingale;
The born musician;

Mahakavi- Great Poet-
The author of Sakunthalam;
The immortal;
Is smiling;
There there he is humming!
"Atyutharassyam disi devathama
Himalayo nama nagadhiraja.... "
(At farthermost North-
The King of Mountains
The Himalaya by name).

Flowing the The Great Stream;
Indian Poetry;
Singing Singing-
The Waves of the Ganga.
Bharatheeyakavitha- 27
The Stream- 25-3-15
Poet from Bharatham

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha- 26- 25-3-2015- dr.k.g.balakrishnan- The Tranquilizing Whole

Bharatheeyakavitha-26- 25-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Indian Poet
Amazon.com Author
The Tranquilizing Whole

The Thought Wholesome;
Tranquilizing Dream;
The picturesque Picture;
Of the Scenario enigmatic.

The scintillating Art;
The oscillating Smart;
The Wonder wondrous;
The Ponder ponderous.

The playful Play;
The looming Ray;
The definite indefinite May;
The unending sweeping Sway.

Don't know to draw or paint;
To sculpture or picture;
Or to word or to structure;
Even to muse or to sort it out.

Twinkling the Star;
Breezing the Breeze;
Squeezing the Sum;
To the Conundrum.
Bharatheeyakavitha-26 25-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan writing
for the Global Audience.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Bahratheeyakavitha- 25- I was born- dr.k.g. balakrishnan- 24-3- 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha-25- 24- 3- 2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Indian Poet
I Was Born

I was born;
From where?
The conjuring;
The Query.

The answer:
From my mother's womb;
From the Ovum and the Sperm;
That is the Enigma.

The Moment is the Designer;
Even if  IVF;
The Moment, the Spell;
Playing the Dawning Role.

From the Moment;
The Silent;
My eloquence is born;
The Dusk the imminent Rule;
Leading me to the dark Silent Cool.

Wheeling the Wheel;
Me the part an' parcel;
Of the Integral Whole;
The  Nature;
 Not a hollow Fool.
I was born. dr.k.g.balakrishnan


Sunday, 22 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha-24-23-3-15-dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet-The Mometous

Bharatheeyakavitha- 24-23-3-15
dr.k.g.balakrishnan -Indian Poet
The Momentous
This Moment!
The momentous you are!
We pity; rather sympathize;
Says the Rishi;
The scientist-the poet;
You are The Immortal.

You make one feel;
Appear to disappear;
Continuum I am!"

Future happens to be Present;
The Present happens to be Past;
The Past-
For the Present,
The Past is always ready to accept;
Whether it is,
Sour bitter or the Sweet.

In the Cynic's Eye;
The Past the Monster;
Does devour the Present;
Also the Future;
Irrespective of their
Height and Might!

Me the Poet feel;
You the great Wheel;
Wheeling an' wheeling;
The Moment!
You the conjuring Perpetual;
(Not momentous)
The Clever!

Before You;
Always I kneel.
Bharatheeyakavitha- 24 -The Momentous
23-2-2015- dr.k.g.balakrishnan writing
for the worldwide audience.


BHARATHEEYAKAVITHA-23- My Heart is Beating-22-3-2015-dr.k.g.balakrishnan

Bharatheeyakavitha- 23-22-3-15
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet
My Heart is Beating
Lub dub lub dub;
Who is beating the Drum?
I don't know;
But am sure;
It is beating!
My Heart!
Lub dub lub dub.

Self It is beating;
Like the Earth rotating;
To mark Time;
One two one two.

As the Clock;
But you have to key it;
Or you have to program it;
As the conjuring Fate.

Beating the Universe;
Tip top tip top;
The Eternal Cadence;
The Celestial Music.
Bharatheeyakavitha -  23-22-3-2015

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavtha- 22- Yajnam- dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet- 22-3-15

Bharatheeyakavitha-22- 22-3-15
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet
Yajna- Holy Sacrifice
Each and every Karma- Action-
Is Yajna-the  Holy Sacrifice;
Rather It should be.

This Moment does act;
And It is the eternal Truth;
Proclaimed the Rishi;
Rather the Muni-
Silent always;
But converse through Maunam-
The eternal Silence;
Of the In-Out Continuum.

This Moment does make  me act;
It does make me breath;
Also does make my heart beat;
My ear hear, my eye see
And so forth.

But that Moment;
Or this itself perhaps;
Or that one far away;
Would ignore me;
And would pass away;
Asking me;
Rather ordering;
In silence;
To accompany.

This is nothing but;
Yajnam- the Holy Sacrifice;
The Karmam;
The Incessant;
The Must.

My physique is the Instrument;
That has to act;
This Moment does make it act;
Or make it inact.

This Moment may assimilate Me;
Into its Self;
And does make me Immortal.
Bharatheeyakavitha-22- 22-3-2015

Bharatheeyakavitha-21- No other go-21-3-15- dr.k.g.balakrishnan, Indian Poet

Bharatheeyakavitha-21- 21-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan, Indian Poet
No Other Go
I have to take;
The Breath Next;
The Step;
The Wink.

It has to dawn;
The Next;
To dusk.

It has to bloom;
It has to doom.

The dewdrop does appear;
To disappear;
So also the dream.

There is no other go;
It will deal;
It will wheel;
Never seal.
No Other Go.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha-20- Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan - The Ignorant- 21-3-2015

Bharatheeyakavitha- 20-21-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Indian Poet
The Ignorant

My fear;
How much ignorant;
I am!

My long;

To earn as much as;
The Impossible!

I can never analyze;
The the sunlight;
Its spectrum; the conjure;
Its humbleness;
Its significant Velocity;
Its waving;
And what else!

I can never analyze;
The Theertham;
(Water the Purest)
The sacredness;
Of the In-Out continuum;
Its origin; its flow;
And its Confluence;
The Ultimate.

I can never judge the Air;
The Space and Earth;
Now you imagine;
The Why of It.

I can never reason;
The Vyashti;
The Samashti.
Ignorant I am.

Vyashti= Individual
Samashti= Aggregate
21-3-2015 Bharatheeyakavitha-20

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha-19- The Three-in-One- dr.k.g.balakrishnan 20-3-2015

Bharatheeyakavitha-19- 20-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan, Indian Poet
"I, You and He-
The Continuum-
The Singularity;
The One-
The subatomic particle;
The ever-expanding universe."
Thus spake the Rishi;
Also the Kavi;
The Scientist.

The Physical-Metaphysical
Concept It is;
The Conceptual alone;
The Full; the Nil.
The incessant Flow.
The Micro-Macroness;
The Macro-Microness.

The Mind- the Universe;
The helpless reflector;
Never the owner;
The carrier, the medium;
The solvent;
The conveyer;
The language.

The Real is the Solute;
The Idea; The True.
The Me;
The conjuring Concept;
Ever sprouting,Blossoming;
The eternal Fragrant.
Bharatheeyakavitha, The Three-in-One
from Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan

Monday, 2 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha- 18- The Bird- 3-3-2015-dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Poet of Bharatham

Bharatheeyakavitha-18 - 3-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author
The Bird

Humming the Bird;
It is answering the Eternal Query;
Unanswered till this ticking  Tick;
Tick, tick, tick.

My beating Heart too does the same;
But it is asking:"Is this the penultimate

"Or, perhaps, the last;
The Ultimate?"

Humming the Bird:
"No, no, never!"

"Dawning, dusking;
Springing, wintering;
The Rule; the Flow."

 Not only the Bird;
Everyone is humming;
Me you and they;
Answering the Why?
Ofcourse in vain.

There, I hear;
Little Avyay is singing;
His nursery-rhyme:
"Twinkle, twinkle little star!"

Avyay- My three year old
The Bird - Bharatheeyakavitha-18
dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath
Poet of Bharatham


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha-17- Behind a Word- dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author- 2-3-2015

Bharatheeyakavitha- 17- 2-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath
Amazon Author
Behind a Word

From the Pupa;
This Moment;
This Expression;
The Time.

From this A
The Birth;
The Dawn, the Smile;
The Dusk-the Dark;
The Anger, the Hate too;
Thus the funny Multiverse.

From this Spell;
My Imagination;
My Smell,
My View and All;
And All;
The Music; the Art;
The piercing Shoot;
The thundering Death!

The Flow; the Eternal;
The Imminent;the Integral;
From the A;
The Mountain, the Ocean;
The furthering Space;
Each an' Everything;
Behind a Word.
------------------------------- dr.k.g.balakrishnan Poet of Bharatham. 2-3-2015

Bharatheeyakavitha-16- 1-3-2015- dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author

dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author
I could be

I could be?
I could be?
Me the Being;
A funny Thought!

A heap of Chemicals;
And what else?
I don't know;
The poor Mr.Ignorant;
Boasting am the Omnipotent.

Am well aware of;
The Glittering;
The Eternal Glow.

The Light;
That the Sun emitting;
Rather emoting;
The nonstop Endeavor.

What I could be?
The breeze, the bee,
The butterfly?

The Spring?
The Summer?

What I could be,
The Kaleidoscope!

The nil,null or dull?
The tranquilizing,
The conjuring?
The Enigma!

The mountain spring?
The river, the sea,
The Ocean?

What I could be?
What else I could be?
Anything except
The Zero!

Bharatheeyakavitha-16 1-3-2015
dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath
Noted Indian Poet,
Author of "THE WHY?",the book
that depicts the Fragrance of
Indian Thought.