Monday, 30 November 2015 bharatheeyakavitha-vol.2- poem- 109- PRATHYAYA - T... bharatheeyakavitha-vol.2- poem- 109- PRATHYAYA - T...: bharatheeyakavitha-vol.2- poem 109 1-12-2015 Indian poet

Monday, 30 November 2015

bharatheeyakavitha-vol.2- poem- 109- PRATHYAYA - THE CONSCIOUSNESS-1-12-2015- Indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan

bharatheeyakavitha-vol.2- poem 109
Indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
PRATHYAYA- the Consciousness

Well Conscious of the Consciousness;
The Rishi the Poet the Scientist!

This Moment the Prathyaya- the Participle;
The Knowledge; the twinkling of the Eye;
The Nimisham;
The Nimesham!

Ascertained the Rishi- the Poet- Scientist:
This Moment the Venue;
The only Stage;
To play the Play- the Great Drama- the Karma;
The Action!

The Prathyaya- the Consciousness;
Is always the twinkling Is;
The *Naimisharanyam;
The Podium;
Of the narration of the Great Mahabharatha-
The Epic!

Thus this Spell this Instant;
This Moment transient;
Is the Jungle;
The Aranyam- 
The Rostrum of  the Action;
The Magic Realistic!

The Thought- the dense Forest;
Torching to be this Wink;
The tiniest;
The Twinkle- the subatomic particle;
Of time- The Varthamanam-  
The Present;
The Enchanting Is!

Prathyaya = Consciousness; Knowledge; a participle
Nimesham= Twinkling of Eye; Wink; Nimisham;
Karma= Action
*Naimisharanyam= The forest of this Moment/the Present.
                                The Rostrum of Action/the Transient/
                                 The Venue of Life. Details pl.ref.
                                 Mahabharatha & Google.
Aranyam= Jungle
Varthamanam= The Present
bharatheeyakavitha vol.2 poem 109 1-12-2013
Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
------------------------------------------------------------------dr.k.g.balakrishnan ----------------------------------- PRATHYAYA - the Consciousness ...

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha Vol.2 poem 108- The Earth- 27-11-2015- Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath

indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan -27-11-2015
The Planet Earth

Rotating self on your axis;
With all your belongings;
The Still the pulsing;
The Time the waving;
The moving;
The transcending!

Day n Night!
Creating the Moment;
The Dawn Dusk n Twilight;
The blue hour; the sweet Light!
The Noon n midnight;
And the Brahmamuhoortha
The Sacred Hour!

The six Ritus; the seasons;
-The sweet Spring;
The burning Summer;
The rain dew and all!

Round n round the Sun;
You the spinner of Time!

The Scene that could ne'er be seen;
That could be seen on n on;
T Seeing the Nil n the Null;
O You You! the Absolute Full!

The lengthening Length!
The Breadth n Depth;
The shapeless Conundrum!

The Light; the Darkness;
The Tune the Tuneless;
The Note the Noteless;
The Absolute Absoluteness!

Me the Grief; You the Fragrance!;
The eloquent glorious Silence!

The Touch furthering from my fingertip;
The Teardrop dribbling to the earth;
The Lie the conjuring; the Time Untrue;
You the Truth!
Me the Planet Earth!
Bharatheeyakavitha- Vol.2
Poem 108  The Planet Earth
Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

BHARATHEEYAKAVITHA- VOL.2- POEM 107- 26-11-2015- ROSTRUM- Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath

Indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath

This Moment the transient;
The Hyphen;
Between the Past and the Future;
As tiny as the Nil;
But not nil;
Not the Nought;
As my feel-
It is Infinite!
The definite Indefinite!

It is the Orgasm;
The Tip of the Macrocosm;
And of the Microcosm;
The Physics-Metaphysics-

Where!  the only Action;
Feasible and possible;
The eternal Question;
And the Is It is; ne'er
The Was the dead n gone;
But the borderless;
The haunting Notion!
The Past!

 The Morrow;
The Imagination;
The intuiting Sorrow;
To happen; the Destination;
Might be or might not be;
May be or may not be;
Would be or would't be;
Will be or will not be;
The done or not done;
The Future!

This Speck;
The subatomic;
The Pranavam;
The Cosmic Energy solemn;
The Pulsing Ring!  

Proclaimed the Rishi:
It is from That;
The this!
As in a Dream!
The Whole happened!

Underlining the Scientist;
Singing me the Poet!
Still ringing the Bell.

Mom, here is the Rostrum;
Let all speak; speak n speak!
The unending the Conundrum;
The flowing flowing
And tranquilizing!

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

bharatheeyakavitha Vol.2- poems 101-200.(poem 106) Resonance- 25-11-2015- Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath

bharatheeyakavitha Vol.2 poems-101-200-poem-106
indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath
poem-106-The Resonance

The breezing Breeze;
This Spell; this Moment;
From where does It breeze!

I wonder; you too;
From the Future?
From the intimidating

Or from the soothing
Smiling blossoming
Or from the chilling
Or from the boiling
Or from the withering

May be from my Thought;
My Feel;
The timeless endless Nought;
The beating singing Heart;
As the magic Finger-Note;
The million-hued
Pre- composed distinct
Distinguished Plot!

Often sweet;
Often sour; hate;
And of bitter taste!

But am sure;
This the Untrue;
The resonance!

There the Ring;
The Celestial;
The Eternal;
In my innermost In;
The Calmness;
The Nothingness!

The rhyme I hear;
The seen I enjoy dear;
The echo that does wear;
And does disappear!

It is Me;
Me alone is the Ringing Note;
And the Rishi does flute;
The Truth!
Bharatheeyakavitha Vol.2
Poem 106.
Indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Bharatheeyakavithah-105 -23- 11--2015- Truth Protects the Protector! Global Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan

Bharatheeyakavitha- 105-23-11-2015
Global Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshitha/
Truth Protects the Protector

It was Rishi who proclaimed:
"Dharmo rakshathi rakshithah"/
Truth protects the protector.

The Truth;
The Truth alone triumphs!
The Truth- the Eternal!

The breeze, pure Breeze!
How much soothing it is!
Blossoming my inner In;
Tuning my celestial Lute;
Toning my nascent Note;
Pulsing my n-hued Intuit!

Fragranting the Me in me;
Alerting the Inert;
Fulling the Nil;
Keeping the Full
The Poornam/
The Full Absolute!

The Truth shielding me;
Caring guarding;

All these hymns;
Poems and rhymes;
All these sagas
Magic realistic;
Perpetual pristine
The Fresh;
They are always the Are!

Me the Flow;
The Persistent;
The Uninterrupted;
Me the Nothingness;
This Moment;
The Illuminant!

The Ray is in Me;
The Scene is in Me;
Also the Scenery!

Me the Truth;
The protected
And the Protector!
Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshithah/
Truth Protects the Protector

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Bharatheeyakavitha- 104-19-11-2015- One n the Same - Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan

Global poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
One n the Same

It was the Rishi who proclaimed:
The Cause-effect-flow-
Rather continuum.

Without a cause;
How could be there
An effect?

A simple breezing the quest;
The search the pursuit;
It looks;
It is the endeavor of the Rishi-
The Poet- the Scientist;
Of the bird,bee and butterfly;
Of the word, muse and music;
Of the audition, vision and cognition;
Of the comprehension intuition
And the reason.

And of the ocean mountain
And of the great multiverse!

And of the Spring and Winter;
Of the Autumn tree;
And of the Summer drought!

Me the Man thinking and realizing;
The Absolute Nothing;
Mourning day-dusk;
Seeking the Cause;
Of joy and grief-
Smiling the Rishi;
Humming the Poet;
Singing the Scientist;
Meaning One n the Same!
"The Cause-Effect-Continuum."
Bharatheeyakavitha-104- 19-11-2015
One n the Same
Global poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan

Bharatheeyakavitha- 103 My Heart lub-dubbing- 18-11-2015 Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan

Bharatheeyakavitha- 103- 18-11-2015
Indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
My heart lub-dubbing

Lub dub lub dub
My heart; 
You spell it heart beat;
But it is not; 
Yes it is That; the That;
That which hymns the Sweet;
The sweetest pulsing Beat;
Of the fathomless Thought;
The waving n-hued Light;
The Light leading me;
Always to the to the Truth;
The Knowledge the Path;
The Straight;
The wish of my dreaming sight;
The Sun sparkling day-night.

Lub dub lub dub 
My sorrowing heart;
Beating drumming day-night;
Reflecting the steaming mind;
Keeping the Sum in its wink;
The alert;
The Clock tick-ticking to the Stock;
The Time; the Quantum; the pacing;
The Next!

Lub dub lub dub 
My rejoicing Heart;
Pumping high the power;
With vigor to the height;
To the furthering Sky;
To the unknown the Why;
To the Sanctum;
That anesthetizing Mum.

 Lub dub lub dub
My revenging Heart;
Eager to fight;
To shoot;
To win the rival for ever;
The galloping Horse!

Lub lub lub dub
My meditating Heart;
Like this humming-hymning
Transcending Moment conjuring;
The Transient! 
Bharatheeyakavitha- 103- 18-11-2015.
Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan 


Thursday, 12 November 2015

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

BHARATHEEYAKAVITHA-101 -12-11-2015 - Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath

Indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
The Sacred Heart

The Akshara: the Infallible
The noblest; the precise;
The Syllable;
It is- the Perpetual Is;
Ascertained the Rishi.

This Moment the Wink;
This Breath its link;
To the Absolute Truth;
The Magnificent Path;
Leading to the Paradise;
Of the Ecstatic Nothingness.

Also the Pinning Instrument;
Of the winging cosmonaut;
The tiller,the seeker, the Poet;
The bohemian ever-rolling naught!

Me often dream am not;
The Akshara:!;
That spot minute Absolute;
That lub-dub-lub-dubbing;
In my rhyming tuning
Sacred Heart!
The Sacred Heart
Indian Poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan