Bharatheeyakavitha Vol.2 / 134
The Mission 2
dr. k.g.balakrishnan amazon author
The Mission 2.
The movement I act;
The Present;
Rather I address it;
The Present;
The glorious Is;
The Act.
Not the Past;
The dead and gone;
The moment last;
The reminiscence.
Ne'er the Future;
The un-assumable!
The unsure;
The moment in que.
It is the This alone;
The breath;
The sign of life;
The green.
The mystic fire;
The perpetual;
The Thretagni;
The Flow.
Am the paper boat;
Flowing flowing;
To the Infinite;
To the indefinite.
The Me is the You;
In Me; the One;
The one and only one;
The Null-Nil- Full.
"The Feel;
The Knowledge;
The Awareness;
The Self"
Ascertains the Rishi;
The Guru.
Echoing the soft voice;
In the Skies;
From the Heavens;
And from the inmost
The Present the Witness;
Also the Action;
The Mission!
Bharatheeyakavitha Vol.2.Poem 134
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author