Friday, 30 September 2016

Vol.2. *Anupallavi 
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author
Let us sing dear!
This anupallavi;
Recite! recite! recite!
Per moment right;
Per breath an' beat;
Day an' right!

Rain anew; an' the flower;
The thrilling feel of the lover;
The grove an' song lovely ever; 
Sprinkling the fragrant shower;
The day-night music of the hour!

The soothing evening dreams of mine
Would take birth;
Morrow morning;
The pretty butterflies!
They are!
The the red lotus flowers!

My long the singing bird of the skies!
You the *Anupallavi
The Ecstasy ultimate!

The formless!
The Mute!
You the Beauty!
The sacred Flute!

Your notes celestial
My Karma- the Action!
144 Amazon Author
dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath 
-------------------------------------------- Nascent Poetry: Vol.2 142.Bharatheeyakavitha*Thana... Nascent Poetry: Vol.2 142.Bharatheeyakavitha*Thana...: Nascent Poetry: Vol.2 142.Bharatheeyakavitha *Thanam 29-9-2016 ---... : Vol.2 142.Bharatheeyakavitha *Thanam 29-9-2016 ------------------...

Nascent Poetry: Vol.2 143 30-9-2016------------------------------...

Nascent Poetry: Vol.2 143 30-9-2016
: Vol.2 143 30-9-2016 ------------------------------- indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath *Pallavi   ----------------------------...
Vol.2 143 30-9-2016
indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
At 4 a.m. who is singing 
From the nearby mango tree!
The breeze sweet?
The gandharva from the sky?
The sparrow? the parrot?

Music of the dawning dawn?
Of the waving moonlight?
The pleasant!

Or sobbing the night?
In her helplessness!

No!The hymn It is!
The blossoming!

Me singing the note;
The celestial lute;
The unending flow;
Of the transcending

The repeat! repeat
This moment!
This wink;
This step!
*Pallavi= A term in music
indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
30-9-2016   143.


Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Vol.2 142.Bharatheeyakavitha
Somnolent the Light;
In the Night;
The Enlightenment;
Twinkling the Little Star;
"How I wonder
What You are!"
Me the nursery kid;
The Glow enchanting;
The eternal orgasmic;
The Charm entrancing!
The *Varnam.

The Ecstasy of the seven notes;
The Ember  that the Rishi flutes;
"Song of the Mystic Fire";
The Poet sings;
"Deep deep Sea" does swear;
 Guru the sovereign Master!

Clearing the Whirlpool;
The Eternal Silence;
The *Shivam the Salvation;
Me the *Shiva;
The *Avyaya;
The *Ameya!  

You the Cute; the Truth
The transcending Depth!
You the Me; Me the You;
The *Thanam!       

You the Glow;
The fragrant unparalleled;
The perpetual Flow!
*Thanam=The basic tune of a Raga 
in music; the string; the thread.
*Varnam=A term in Music, color 
  *Shivam= The Salvation
*Shiva=The deity of auspiciousness 
*Ameya= immeasurable
*Thanam 142 
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Author

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

141 BKvol.2
indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan
*Anandabhairavi It is;
The Inner Sanctum;
Knowledge It is;
The Hue of the Sky;
The Muse Infinite!
My glance wandering;
The peep it is;
The translucent;
The fragile!

The moonlight transparent;
The stream the swirling;
The never-ending sweet;
The current; the Cute!

Dancing the flower;
To fall at last;
The wall everywhere;
The resentment;
The unending!

The ever-vibrant tiny
The mute cute Note;
The garland of the Fragrant;
The flow of  Love;
My Mother's tender Pat!

The sweet-scented breeze;
The *Nithyakalyani *Ragam;
The Amaze;
The Cute-most Idol;
The figure-less Doll!

The Mute-most Music-Note;
Of this Celestial Lotus;
The Self!

The bee; the beetle;
The butterfly;
Rendering day-night;
The Sreeragageetham!

The bird singing
The eternal note;
The Seventh Symphony;
Mute the Lute; silent the Flute;
The Heaven here; there;
The  colorful Song!
*Ragam=love,music, attachment,
Tune in music, red color.*
*A Ragam
*Ragam BK141 vol.2
indian poet dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon


Sunday, 18 September 2016

Nascent Poetry: Bharatheeyakavitha vol.2 poem 140----------------...

Nascent Poetry: Bharatheeyakavitha vol.2 poem 140
: Bharatheeyakavitha vol.2 poem 140 ----------------------------------------------- *The Swaram ------------------------------------------...
Bharatheeyakavitha vol.2 poem 140
*The Swaram
dr.k.g.balakrishnan Amazon Author

The Hue of the Huelessness;
This Wink;
The Time:
Timepass for the Timelessness;
Not Time It is;
The Truth;
The Vision-true;
The time-keeping;
Of the eye-vision!

"Could meet face to face"
Does muse the Truth;
The True-vision;
"The Knowledge"
Does assure the Guru- the Rishi;
The Silence of the Silent;
The birth of the Breath;
The Full- the Absolute!

This morn does rise;
From the Flute sacred;
Its sweet dream the stream;
Pure an' clear!
Up an' down up an' down
The imagination;
Dancing singing the Poet!

 Blossoming the slender sky;
To be the sweet flower;
The thousand-petalled
Fragrant Truth;
The n-tuned Music;
The million-hued Rainbow!

In the inmost Vision;
The *Swaram;
The Dance;
The Celestial Rhythm;
The Hymn; the Rhyme!
*Swaram= The Mystic Tune

dr.k.g.balakrishnan poet amazon author.