Friday 20 June 2014

Nascent Poetry-41- "Dharmakshethre.".. dr.k.g.balakrishnan kandangath-21-6-2014

"Dharmakshethre.." -dr.k.g.balakrishnan- Poet of INDIA
Nascent Poetry- 41-21-6-2014
King Dhrutharashtra;
The Blindness;
Spells the opening Sloka;
Of Bhagavad Geetha;
"Dharmakshethre Kurukashthre
Samavetha yuyutsavah
Mamakaah Pandavaschaiva
Kimakrvatha Sanjaya."

This Sloka is the only Verse
That he spells in Geetha;
And a query eternal it is!

Sanjaya, the designated narrator;
Gifted with ultra-seeing Magic Eye;
Describes the events for the unsighted;
The eager helpless Father-King.

Nevertheless, greedy and selfish;
The Man in him;
Is not bold enough;
To ask  anything further;
He knows very well-
That Dharma(Truth) only;
Would prevail.

This Moment;
The Sanjaya;
Would explain everything;
But would fail;
To answer the Supreme Query;
It is still the Stigma;
The Conundrum!

Or rather the Answer-
Is the same-
They are readying;
For the Fight!
21-6-2014- dr.kandangath- Poet of INDIA


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