Thursday, 5 June 2014

The Breath-nascent poetry 33-dr.k.g.balakrishnan-5-6-2014 
The sky, 
The vivid conjuring; 
The composure; 
The bluish glittering; 
-The sure unsure. 
Dawn-dusk composer; 
The Album of babul music; 
Per quantum neo and scientific; 
The evergreen celestial singer; 
The creator of the dreams of 
-The magnificent Nature. 
The fresh fragrant breeze; 
The petals of the rose; 
My breath; 
My annam- 
The oorjam- 
The rain, sunlight, 
O, I am the nil; 
-The nought, if not. 
Note- annam=food; oorjam=energy 